Telomeres | Aging | Structure | Function | Replication | Importance |

ZOOHCC - 501: Molecular Biology (Theory)

Unit 2: DNA Replication


    Telomeres are repeating sequences of nucleotides at the ends of chromosomes.
    It is present on eukaryotic chromosomes. These are non-coding regions and do
    not code for any protein.

    Müller coined the term "telomere". Barbara McClintock showed that broken
    chromosomes have sticky ends compared to natural chromosome ends, which are
    stable and difficult to fuse. Telomeres keep chromosomes from sticking
    together and protect them from deterioration.

    Telomeres contain non-coding repetitive sequences rich in guanine
    nucleotides. In humans, the repeat sequence is 5'-TTAGGG-3' and is repeated
    multiple times.


    Telomeres play a central role in cell fate and aging by adjusting the
    cellular response to stress and growth stimulation on the basis of
    previous cell divisions and DNA damage. At least a few hundred nucleotides
    of telomere repeats must "cap" each chromosome end to avoid activation of
    DNA repair pathways. Repair of critically short or "uncapped" telomeres by
    telomerase or recombination is limited in most somatic cells and apoptosis
    or cellular senescence is triggered when too many "uncapped" telomeres
    accumulate. The chance of the latter increases as the average telomere
    length decreases. The average telomere length is set and maintained in
    cells of the germline which typically express high levels of telomerase.
    In somatic cells, telomere length is very heterogeneous but typically
    declines with age, posing a barrier to tumor growth but also contributing
    to loss of cells with age. Loss of (stem) cells via telomere attrition
    provides strong selection for abnormal and malignant cells, a process
    facilitated by the genome instability and aneuploidy triggered by
    dysfunctional telomeres. The crucial role of telomeres in cell turnover
    and aging is highlighted by patients with 50% of normal telomerase levels
    resulting from a mutation in one of the telomerase genes. Short telomeres
    in such patients are implicated in a variety of disorders including
    dyskeratosis congenita, aplastic anemia, pulmonary fibrosis, and cancer.
    Here the role of telomeres and telomerase in human aging and
    aging-associated diseases is reviewed.


    Telomeres are present at the ends of all eukaryotic chromosomes. It consists
    of a short nucleotide sequence that is repeated several times. They do not
    code for any proteins.

    The order in which they are repeated depends on the species. The number of
    copies of the repeat unit varies from chromosome to chromosome or even
    within the same chromosome in different cells. A normal human cell has about
    500 to 3000 repetitions, which gradually become shorter. In some cells, such
    as germline cells and cancer cells, telomeres do not shorten with age.

    The basic repeating unit pattern for most species is 5`-T1-4A0-1G1-8-3`.
    Telomeres usually end with a guanine-rich single strand at the 3' end. In
    humans, a T-loop is formed at the end of his 3′ single strand. The protein
    shelterin protects telomeres from deterioration and alteration.

    The human repeat is 5'-TTAGGG-3'. In the plant Arabidopsis thaliana it is
    TTTAGGG. Additional sequences related to telomeres are found in most

    Telomeres containing tandem repeats of TTAGGG are very common in
    vertebrates. It is found in over 100 species, including birds, reptiles,
    amphibians, fish and mammals.

    In most prokaryotes, the DNA is circular, so telomeres are not found.
    Telomeres are found in some prokaryotes with linear DNA, but their structure
    differs from eukaryotic cells. They are in the form of hairpin loops, formed
    from single strands or attached to proteins.


    Telomeres arise from imperfect replication at the ends of chromosomes. With
    each replication cycle, a piece of DNA is lost. These protective end caps
    ensure that genetic information is preserved and not lost in the process.
    They play an important role in aging. They are essential for attracting the
    telomerase replication machinery to the ends of chromosomes and regulating
    its function there. In addition, telomeres are required to stabilize
    eukaryotic chromosomes in a variety of ways. Telomeres protect chromosome
    ends from recognition by the cell's DNA damage response system. It seals the
    ends of chromosomes to prevent degradation and fusion. The fused chromosome
    may have segregated incorrectly in meiosis or mitosis. Telomeres are often
    located beneath the nuclear membrane, and their unique association with the
    spindle pole body of fission yeast is essential for normal conduction of
    meiotic recombination.

    Role in aging and cancer

    Telomeres play an important role in cellular aging. Telomeres shorten with
    each replication, and when they become too short, cells stop replicating,
    leading to senescence and apoptosis. Therefore, it acts as a biological
    clock for cellular aging. It also causes oncogenic transformation of cells.

    The rate of telomere shortening can be reduced with a better lifestyle,
    diet, and activity. It delays the onset of age-related diseases and prolongs

    A special enzyme called "telomerase" can extend the length of telomeres. It
    exists in infinitely dividing cells. Unicellular eukaryotes, egg and sperm
    cells, blood cells and even cancer cells.

    Scientists have observed that in cancer cells, telomeres are too short, and
    when they reach a critical point, telomerase is reactivated, causing cancer
    cells to grow out of control. Most cancer cells such as breast cancer,
    prostate cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer Contains telomerase, which
    maintains telomere length and prevents apoptosis. Research into anticancer
    drugs that target telomerase is underway.

    telomere duplication/ replication

    Telomeres are the ends of linear chromosomes. They are repetitive
    sequences that do not code for specific genes. Telomeres are involved in
    protecting critical genes from deletion during cell division and
    shortening of DNA strands during replication.

    Some telomeric sequences are lost after each round of replication at her
    5' end of the synthetic strand of each daughter DNA. Since these are
    non-coding sequences, their loss does not severely affect the cell.
    However, these sequences are not unlimited. After a sufficient number of
    replications, the telomere repeats are lost. There is a risk that the DNA
    will lose the coding sequence in the next round.

    Therefore, telomeres play an important role in maintaining DNA and genes
    involved in cellular aging. It protects the genome from degradation,
    unwanted repair, recombination, and fusion between two chromosomes.


    Serves as the cell's mitotic clock as it shortens with each round of cell

    In humans, these are distinct chromosomal terminal structures containing
    repetitive sequences.

    Essential for maintaining chromosomal integrity. Its excessive shortening
    is associated with DNA instability