Question paper ZOODSE-601 2021 Reproductive Biology




TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam.,


( 6th Semester )


( Reproductive Biology )

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Answer any fifteen questions from the following : 1x15=15

  1. >Define reproduction. >

  2. >What is the main function of reproductive system? >

  3. >On which factors differentiation of gonads actually depends? >

  4. >Name the gonadal hormones in human >

  5. >Name the main duct in human from where the oviduct, uterus, etc. has
    formed in females. >

  6. >What is hypothalamus? >

  7. >Define rete testis. >

  8. >Name the primary male Sex organs in rat. >

  9. >What is tunica albuginea? >

  10. >What are primary spermatocytes? | >

  11. >Mention the functions of Sertoli cells. >

  12. >Define spermiation. >

  13. >What is’ the exact location of. ovary in females? >

  14. >Name two main histological parts of ovary. >

  15. >What are graafian follicles? >

  16. >Define ovulation. >

  17. >What is corpus albicans? >

  18. >The inner wall of uterus is known as ______. >

  19. >What is the meaning of estrus? >

  20. >Define fertilization. >

  21. >Which hormones play important role in parturition? >

  22. >Mention two important functions of female reproductive tract in
    human. >

  23. >Name the hormones regulating the menstrual cycle in human. >

  24. >What do you mean. by gestation? >

  25. >Define infertility. >

  26. >What is secondary infertility. >

  27. >Give two examples of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). >

  28. >What is in vitro fertilization? >

  29. >What are contraceptives? >

  30. >Name two most popular methods of family planning. >




Answer any five questions from the following : 2x5=10

  1. >Mention the main functions of prostaglandins. >

  2. >What are steroids? Name: two steroid hormones. >

  3. >Which part of the testes secretes testosterone? Mention the functions
    of testosterone. >

  4. >What are the male accessory genital glands in rats? >

  5. >Write a note on the formation of corpus luteum. >

  6. >What are the main functions of ovary human? >

  7. >How do hormones control the. process of gestation? : >

  8. >What is lactation? Name the hormones that play an important role in
    lactation. >

  9. >Mention the importance of sperm banks in the treatment of
    infertility, >

  10. >What do you understand by frozen embryos? >




Answer any five questions from the following : 5x5=25

  1. >Write the mechanism of action of steroid hormones. : 5 >

  2. >Write short notes on the following : 214x2=5 (a)
    Hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal axis (b) Gonadal ‘hormones in
    human >

  3. >Define spermatogenesis. Write a note on the role of hormones in the
    process of >

  4. >Spermatogeneys 1+4=5 >

  5. >Give the location of epididymis in human males. Write briefly ‘about
    the histology and function of epididymis in human. 142+2= 5 >

  6. >Discuss the female reproductive system in rat with appropriate
    diagram. 4+1=5 >

  7. >Write short notes on the following : 2Yex2=5 (a) Ovarian hormones (b)
    Histology of human ovary >

  8. >What are fallopian tubes? Write briefly about the process of ovum
    transport in the fallopian tubes. 2+43=5 >

  9. >Write short notes on the following : 5 (a) Hormonal control of
    implantation (b) Pregnancy diagnosis >

  10. >What do you understand by primary infertility? What are the major
    causes of >

  11. >primary infertility in males and how can they be managed?
    1+2+2=5 >

  12. >Write short notes on the following : 5 (a).Assisted reproductive
    technology with special reference to gamete intra- fallopian transfer
    (GIFT) (b). Modern contraceptive technologies >
